Lee Brummer är tillbaka på DansPlats Skog!
Workshops och Residensvisning TBA
Something to do, someone to love, something to look forward to
Minna Mannelqvist, Hampus Bergenheim, Allie Graham, Skip Willcox
Lee Brummer in collaboration with the cast
Sound design:
Sascha Budimski
Light design:
To be confirmed
Residency hosts creation process:
1st development (Dec 2018): CATAPULT Dance Choreographic Hub, Newcastle Australia
2nd Development January 2021: DansPlats Skog, Gottsunda Dans & Teater/Uppsala
Catapult Dance Choreographic Hub, (Australia)
ilDance (Sweden)
Form Dance Projects (Aus), Newcastle Town Hall (Aus), Riverside Theater (Aus), Catapult Dance (Aus), ilDance, Vara Konsert Huset, Dansplats Skog, Regionteater Väst Borås, Dansmuseet Stockholm
About the Project:
‘Something to do, someone to love, something to look forward to’ is a new contemporary dance work choreographed by Lee Brummer in collaboration with four performing artists.
The project is a co-production with Australian Organisation CATAPULT Dance Choreographic Hub.
Through international collaboration ilDance and CATAPULT create meeting points between the two edges of the world through numerous activities which include the creation of a new work, open rehearsals, Q&A sessions, workshops for dance artists, movement classes for the non-dancer community and performances. All the above take place in both Sweden (April-May 2020) and in Australia (February 2021).
About the work:
The piece, a new multidisciplinary work which sits on the border between contemporary dance and physical theatre, advances conversations of movement and text mediation in a performance context.
The work examines the constant desire to achieve and explores the search for utopian happiness that we as individuals long far. It incorporates text from the book “Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart” by Gordon Livingston; a physician and psychiatrist in profession.
The selected text provides insights into recognising individual problems and so-called tips on improving one’s life situation; life lessons that offer a kind of hope and wisdom which feels simultaneously commonsensical but also revelatory. Using Livingston’s text intertwined with physical movement, Brummer and the performers share personal stories of challenge, triumph, loss, love, or the lack thereof. At a time when many people exhaust themselves with the pursuit of personal fulfillment, this work explores the question what are we actually striving for?